Lutron Support Center

Welcome to Lutron Support Center

No Results Found! Please enter valid model number to search.

Model numbers may vary by store and/or packaging. Differences in letters towards the end of the model number, before the color code (such as H, R, D, L), will have no effect on the product itself.

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How do I find my Model Number?

Dimmers & Switches

Do you have the original packaging?

find model number

No packaging? No problem!

find model number

Wiring Wizard

Wiring Wizard

Wiring help for your dimmer and switch installation

FAQs & Documents

FAQs & Documents

Browse common FAQs, find technical documents, brochures, and videos.

Product Selection Assistance

Product Selection Assistance

Get help choosing the right Lutron controls, sensors and shades.

Need help finding an LED for your Lutron dimmer?

Need help finding an LED for your Lutron dimmer?

Wiring Wizard

Step-by-step instructions for installing a Lutron dimmer.

Wiring Wizard

Request a Color Sample

Request a Color Sample

Dimming LEDs

Dimming LEDs

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Lutron Support Community

The Lutron Support Community provides a convenient and valuable area to ask questions and share ideas, best practices, and troubleshooting tips with fellow community members and Lutron moderators about Lutron products. Anyone may browse the forum, however to post questions and respond, you must register.

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