Obtaining an insurance license in your state, or other states in which you may have interest in doing business is not difficult, if you know what to expect, and can fulfill the requirements.
License Types and Relevant State Information
Resident License
Key Information
When applying for a Resident license a $5.60 transaction fee and state license fees may apply. See the state rules and requirements for more information.
Apply Online
In order to apply for a new license, you will need to provide:
- License Number or National Producer Number (if previously licensed) or
- Social Security Number (first-time applicants only) or FEIN
- Date of birth (individuals)
- Applicant, Licensee, License, and Residency type
- Pay electronically: Visa, Mastercard, AMEX, or electronic check
Obtain an additional Line of Authority electronically through the NIPR in the following states:
Select a state to view the rules for licensure in that state.
Non-Resident License
Key Information
When applying for a Non-Resident license there is a $5.60 transaction fee and state license fees may apply. See the state rules and requirements for more information.
Apply Online
In order to apply for a Non-Resident license, you will need to provide:
- License Number or National Producer Number (if previously licensed) or
- Social Security Number (first-time applicants only) or FEIN
- Date of birth (individuals)
- Applicant, Licensee, License, and Residency type
- Pay electronically: Visa, Mastercard, AMEX, or electronic check
Obtain an additional Line of Authority electronically through the NIPR in the following states:
Select a state to view the rules for licensure in that state.
Non-Resident Adjuster License
Key Information
When applying for a Non-Resident, Adjuster license there is a $5.60 transaction fee and state license fees may apply. See the state rules and requirements for more information.
Apply Online
In order to apply for a Non-Resident, Adjuster license, you will need to provide:
- License Number or National Producer Number (if previously licensed) or
- Social Security Number (first-time applicants only) or FEIN
- Date of birth (individuals)
- Applicant, Licensee, License, and Residency type
- Pay electronically: Visa, Mastercard, AMEX, or electronic check
Obtain an additional Line of Authority electronically through the NIPR in the following states:
Select a state to view the rules for licensure in that state.
Non-Resident License (No Home State)
Key Information
When applying for a Non-Resident License (No Home State) license there is a $5.60 transaction fee and state license fees may apply. See the state rules and requirements for more information.
Apply Online
In order to apply for a Non-Resident License (No Home State) license you will need to provide:
- License Number or National Producer Number (if previously licensed) or
- Social Security Number (first-time applicants only) or FEIN
- Date of birth (individuals)
- Applicant, Licensee, License, and Residency type
- Pay electronically: Visa, Mastercard, AMEX, electronic check
Obtain an additional Line of Authority electronically through the NIPR in the following states:
Select a state to view the rules for licensure in that state.